Posts tagged confidence
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

I don’t have enough experience to take that project.

Why would clients listen to my advice?

I’m charging too much and client’s won’t pay me for my time.

Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head pretty regularly. I see it in other designers and more potently, I notice it in myself. Why would anyone listen to me? I battle it pretty regularly. I’m pretty sure most of us do.

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Setting the Tone

It has taken me a long time to realize that it is up to me to set the tone. I was recently at a conference and the energy from the crowd was truly amazing. I’d never seen so many people enthusiastic and pretty much saying that this was the greatest conference ever. (Which if you’ve ever sat in a large bland hotel ballroom, in uncomfortable seats, and intense air conditioning you know is quite an accomplishment.)

I am generally a reserved person. I look before I leap.

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