Posts tagged tools
CAD Programs for Interior Designers

When I started in the architecture school at USC, computer aided design (CAD) was just beginning to be introduced into the curriculum.  Hand-drawing and drafting was still king and I had one class in drawing plans on the computer (which we saved on giant floppy zip disks).  It wasn't until years later while working for Michael Smith that I took an AutoCAD class and really started using it regularly.  

Now it is commonplace.  Your interior design firm can't survive without using CAD for 3D renderings or 2D furniture plans.  This doesn't mean that you yourself have to know the programs if you're like me and they were never an integral part of your design education.  There are lots of current students and recent graduates that are extremely proficient in CAD.  Sometimes it is better to delegate.  


AutoCAD - The premier CAD program used by architects and engineers.  This is the most widely used program and a standard in the industry, but it is also very expensive.  For that reason,

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