Posts tagged strategic planning
Creating Core Values for Interior Designers

You're adrift in the sea and you find a floating log to hold on to.

This is what creating core values can do for your business.  If you're adrift you can grab hold of your values and hold on.  Values keep you on course, but if you've strayed or have suddenly looked up and realized you don't know where you are and have no idea how you got there, values can get you back on course.

So the reason to define your core values is to keep or get you back on course.

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Simple Business Plans for Interior Designers

I'm continuing the series on Strategic Planning with creating a business plan.  Now, wait, before I lose you, this isn't going to be a super complicated multi-page plan that no one will ever see.

The new business plans are focused and can help you get clear in just a page to what your plan is.

I'll be going deeper into these topics over the next few months. But get your juices flowing and get something on your paper will help you and your business.

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