Posts tagged growing interior design business
5 Reasons Your Interior Design Business Isn't Growing

Your interior design business may not be growing because there are 5 areas that you are neglecting. I go into each area, however, these should be thought about as a rebalancing of your time, not about adding more to your already long to-do list. By incorporating these areas into your business you will be more productive and feel more balanced.

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How to Scale Your Interior Design Business

So, you want to scale your business this year? Or maybe next. Or sometime in the future.

Some people start their interior design business without any idea of where they ultimately want to take their business, they may not even realize they are actually starting a business. They are just working IN their business, head down, trying to get something off the ground. And often, the business takes off because of all their hard work and they are just along for the ride, rather than steering the ship.

So first, you need to steer the ship.

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3 Money Habits to Grow Your Biz

Here's a little secret about me: I despise the financial/accounting parts of running my business.  So much so, there have been times that I try to ignore it altogether, forget it exists.  I just want to create!

Please don't do this.  This doesn't help your business grow.  And ignoring your financials does not make them disappear.

Here is where creating some money habits in your business is going to come in handy.  Because you are going to make them habits and habits by definition are something you do regularly.  You are going to be motivated because you know that keeping an eye on your money is going to help your business grow and run more smoothly.  Easier.

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