more thankful at home

I love this time of year, my birthday, then a holiday that celebrates cooking and eating, followed by a trip to the tree lot the day after Thanksgiving makes November a festive month.  Not to mention that the weather in Arizona cannot be beat, the reason people live here is for the 70 degree temps in November.

So there is a lot to be thankful for.  They say gratitude makes people happier and there is no better time to start feeling thankful for your home.

Here are some times when you can say thank you to your home or simply feel thankful:

  1. When you walk in the door for providing you shelter and storing all your stuff.
  2.  When you get the mail, having an address is a luxury that not everyone has.
  3. When you have friends or family over, cultivating love and connection.
  4. As you put groceries away in your fridge.

You can also do nice things for your home:

  1. Fresh flowers or a scented candle
  2. Clear clutter (resist those Black Friday deals!)
  3. Make your bed
  4. Cook a meal (bonus for using the "good" dishes and sitting at the table)
  5. Plant some fresh herbs outside or in a pot in your kitchen.
  6. Wipe down the walls and baseboards (you'd be surprised how dirty these get!)

The point of all this is gratitude, appreciation, and thankfulness.  There are so many  possibilities, share how you are thankful in your home in the comments below.